Time is important and vital!
Get in touch with a trained specialist to help stop the source of the water before the concern escalates further. In case that problem is handled, you may use the following pointers to ensure the cleanup and water damage restoration activity as fast and cost-effective as you possibly can:
• Switch off the electricity in damaged rooms and be familiar with electrical home equipment and electrical outlets close to water-soaked areas.
• Remove any furniture or items that are unaffected and put them inside a dry area.
• Clean all wooden and other non-carpeted surfaces dry.
• Dry out garments at the earliest opportunity and prop up furniture cushions to dry up equally.
• Place aluminum foil beneath furniture legs to prevent carpet stains.
• Get in touch with your insurance company to report the loss.
• Take snapshots as well as records to document the damages.
• Do NOT utilize a household vacuum to remove the water unless you’d like to get a brand new one.
In a few minutes, the water spreads to as many locations as possible, immediately increasing the potential water damage. Within hrs, the unpleasant aroma of mold starts to develop, targeting your home (and your nose) in full force within days and weeks. It is always advisable to call Premiere Restoration to completely and meticulously restore your home in case of water damage in Mankato, MN, but following the above recommendations can save you some serious budgetary and emotional stressors. Get in touch with Premiere Restoration in Mankato, MN, 24/7 at (800) 543-0813