House on Fire

As the old adage goes, “Prevention is the best medicine.” That’s especially true when it comes to house fires. Here’s what you can do to stay safe:

Tops Tip on Preventing House Fires

Beware of Flammable Items

All too many house fires can be prevented by simply storing flammable items in safe places. You might think that this only extends to dry papers and accelerants, like alcohol and gasoline.

 However, even small containers such as nail polish bottles or flour in your kitchen can be a hazard. If it’s flammable, keep it in a cool area, far away from any heat sources or areas where a flame can appear.

Maintain Fire Safety Devices

Changing out the batteries on your smoke alarms may be a hassle that you keep delaying. However, this action saves countless lives every year.

Plan on changing the batteries in your smoke alarms at least every six months. It’s easier to remember if you do it regularly at the same times every year (e.g., at the beginning of every year, and every July).

Even if the smoke alarm doesn’t beep to indicate a low battery, the batteries still need to be changed.

One thing you might not consider is that the smoke alarm itself also needs to be replaced periodically. However, most smoke alarms only need to be replaced every ten years or so.

Keep all your fire extinguishers maintained and have them inspected on a regular basis. Make sure that no matter where you are in the home, you have a fire extinguisher you can get to in a reasonable amount of time should you need to put out a fire.

Keep Electrical Items in Check

These days, we’re no strangers to having cords and wiring all around our homes. Exposed cords and outlets provide a big fire risk. Keep an eye on all your electrical cords and wiring. If you notice any kind of damage, no matter how small it seems, unplug the cord and replace it or the device it’s connected to.

This is especially important when you have a home with small children or pets that may be tempted to ‘play’ with these cords. For pets, you can keep them kenneled until you’re sure they’re trained not to mess with electrical cords. If you have children, keep cords bundled neatly and far out of reach.

Pay Attention to Kitchen Safety

Kitchens are a common area for house fires to start. A lot of these fires aren’t simply freak accidents. In fact, many of them can be prevented with proper kitchen safety.

Ensure you don’t store flammable items like flour or cooking oil near heat sources like the stove or oven. Not only that, but you also need to ensure that everyone else in the household understands the rules for keeping the kitchen safe and free of fires.

Keep an Eye on Fireplaces

Fireplaces can reduce your heating bill and instantly make a room cozy. However, they can also create a house fire if you don’t use the proper tools and maintain your fireplace.

Fireplaces need regular cleaning and maintenance to prevent an excess build-up of heat, which can quickly spread to other areas of the home, including the roof.


Even the thought of a house fire is terrifying. However, if you keep your home maintained with fire safety in mind, you greatly reduce your risk of ever encountering one. Remember, your fire safety devices (smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, etc.) can be your saving grace if one does occur.